Thursday, August 03, 2006

Looking for a rock solid and stable program to join?

Let me tell you about the Big Dogs!

Big Dogs has been around for goin' on six years.
Now six years is an eternity on the Internet, and
that qualifies Big Dogs as an "old" program.
Y'see, Internet marketers on the whole are a fickle lot.
For the most part they are always looking for that
"hot, new program," the one that's gonna put ten
grand in their pocket by noon tomorrow. They're
always looking for that "exciting pre-launch opportunity"
- that one that's gonna make 'em rich with no effort.
It doesn't matter that the majority of these types of
programs won't be around in six months - these
folks l-o-v-e the excitement of "being in on the
ground floor."

So, despite Big Dogs continued stability in Internet
marketing circles, it certainly can't be described as
"hot" or "new." I sort of compare Big Dogs to the
"enter" key on your computer keyboard; everybody
knows how useful it is - everybody knows they need it
- but you certainly wouldn't describe that "enter" key
as the exciting new electronic tool of the year!

Some would thank that Big Dogs "– the stable, reliable,
"old man" of the internet "– would be near or at the
bottom of the popularity scale. Well believe or not,
Big Dogs ranked an amazing 57 out of 638 companies
listed under the topic "Marketing and Advertising" in
the ClickBank Marketplace! That puts the Big Dogs
program in the upper NINE PERCENT!!!

In addition, in the ClickBank Marketplace under the
topic "Money and Employment" out of over on 1200
programs listed ----
Big Dogs was in the upper EIGHT PERCENT!!!

So it seems pretty dog-gone great for a program
entering it sixth successful year online! Just goe to
show what a product with genuine value, integrity,
and customer support can achieve!

So, all indications appear to say that Big Dogs -
even after six years - is poised and positioned to
CONTINUE it's stellar performance and to retain it's
position of one of the longest-running, continuously
successful programs on the Internet!

So take a look for yourself, and grab your copy of the
"Secrets of the Big Dogs."
Now updated for 2006, with instant access.